Frequently asked questions about backflow and Irrigation.

What does backflow mean?
Backflow means the undesirable reversal of flow of a liquid, gas, or solid into the water supply; a backflow preventer is designed to keep this from happening.
What is a backflow prevention device (or backflow preventer)?
Backflow prevention devices are also known as RPZ Valves. RPZ stands for Reduced Pressure Zone. An RPZ valve is a mechanical plumbing device installed in a plumbing system to prevent water from flowing backward in the system. This protects your drinking water and the city water supply from contaminants.
Double Check PRZ Valve:

When is a backflow device (RPZ valve) required?
RPZ valves are required when a house or building is equipped with an irrigation system, fire suppression system, or a large boiler. Contaminants can enter an irrigation system from fertilizer or pesticides that are sprayed onto lawns. In the case of a boiler or fire suppression system, water sits stagnant or trapped in these systems, which leads to a build-up of bacteria and increased mineral content from the piping system.
Why is my backflow device tested annually?
Back flow prevention devices that are protecting against a high health hazard are required to be tested annually. This ensures they are working properly and your water supply is safe to drink.
What is a Commercial Irrigation Assessment?
Effective January 1, 2013, commercial properties greater than 1.0 acre in size are required to have an irrigation evaluation. Irrigation systems will be routinely checked for compliance with City Code Chapter 6- 4, which means the following occurrences are not allowed:
Misaligned or broken heads
Pressure readings are required for each irrigation station and evaluation results must be submitted to Austin Water for review.